He has been President of the "Marcus Garvey Peoples Political Party 2002-2011 and was their General Secretary in 2011. He is a Radio Broadcaster on "BESS FM" and hosts a program named "Bitter Sugar" every Wednesday 6:00-10:00pm and from 1995 to 1998 he did a program named "Africa the Motherland" on "Irie FM. Mr. Lorne is owner of "Headstart Book Store" founded in 1990, "Presently the only Black Book Store in Jamaica". And his is also the owner of "Headstart Printing and Publishing Company" and "Miguel Lorne Printing and Publishing Company founded in 1991. Mr. Lorne has been invited to speaker on topics about Marcus Garvey, Reparations, Repatriation, Rastafari and The Glorious Achievements of Africans by numerous countries (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, United States of America, Canada, Barbados, Antigua, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Costa Rica, Dominica, Cuba, India, Russia, Poland, England, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Trinidad and now St. Kitts and Nevis.
The lecture series was launched on July 19th 2011 at the University of the West Indies Open Campus in St. Kitts with "Dr Ken Ballantyne Lawyer, Educator, and Poet speaking about the broad theme"Decolonization of the African Mind and Imperative to the Future", the main message promoted by the committee. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=233709856669804&set=a.233599413347515.61327.117273781646746&type=3&theater
On November 3rd 2011 Historian, Lawyer and former Governor of the previous State St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, consulted with student from the Basseterre Senior High School and members of the public on the same theme at the University of the West Indies Open Campus in St. Kitts. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=281669391873850&set=a.233599413347515.61327.117273781646746&type=3&theater
The second lecture entitled "The Shape of Resistance in St. Kitts" was presented by Victoria O'Flahery Director of the National Archives of St. Kitts-Nevis and was held on November 3rd 2011 at the University of the West Indies Open Campus in St. Kitts. Her presentation revealed that resistance against enslavement consistently occurred throughout the Caribbean Region and manifested in many forms. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=282139898493466&set=a.233599413347515.61327.117273781646746&type=3&theater
The third and fourth lectures were presented by Mr. Ngombulu Ya Sangui Ya Mina Bantu (N.Y.S.Y.M.B) Lascony from Brazzaville Congo Africa and took place respectively on November 30th 2011 in Nevis at the Red Cross Building in Charles Town, then in St. Kitts on December 5th 2011 at the University of the West Indies Open Campus. His presentation consisted of an extensive collection of researched information and photographs of historic sites and African artifacts. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=295477220493067&set=a.233599413347515.61327.117273781646746&type=3&theater
SEE YOU AT THE LECTURE "DEMYSTIFYING THE REPARATIONS DEBATE" TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28TH E.C.C.B. BIRD ROCK ST. KITTS 7:00PM FREE OF CHARGE! For More Information check the following link http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.233599413347515.61327.117273781646746&type=3
Press Release 14/02/12 - Public Relations Sub-Committee
"Reparations" Lecture - UNESCO St. Kitts and Nevis Slave Route Project
Marlene Phillips - Research & Documentation Unit
St. Kitts Department of Culture (869) 467-1396