To: Filmmakers, audiovisual professionals and cultural institutions from the Caribbean and its Diaspora.
Dear friends:
With absolute certainty, it has been affirmed that the history of Caribbean is the history of its migrations.
Considering the existence of an extended Caribbean Diaspora and its importance on the consolidation of the
Caribbean nations and their current economical, social and cultural lives, and taking into consideration the
realities of the life of the Caribbean emigrants at the former metropolises and other countries of the world,
thus recognizing the inter‐regional migration of the Caribbean dynamics – a distinctive characteristic of
familiarities and similarities within the diversity of this community of nations: The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase, in its 4th edition will focus on “The Caribbean Diaspora, challenges
of a reality and its images”.
Taking into consideration the fundamental contribution of African people and cultures, to the conformation of
Caribbean nations and cultures, and the important presence of this legacy in them, the 4th Showcase will
focalize on the aforementioned subject matters in accordance with UN’s purposes when naming 2011 as the
International Year for People of African Descent”.
Just like in previous editions, the 4th Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase will be a wide‐ranging and diverse
event in genres and themes of films. Its program will be integrated by a selection of Caribbean authors’ works
that, residing at their motherlands or being part of the great Caribbean Diaspora, express in their works, with
artistic validity, authentic contents about culture, history and social situations of the countries of the region.
Without implication of thematic restrictions in the genres of fiction, documentary, short film and animation,
the 4th Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase will put especial interest on the films with artistic validity that
reveal the realities and challenges of Caribbean emigrants at the very region or in the vast Diaspora of our
countries all over the world.
The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase includes proposed and selected works that, made by no Caribbean
authors about themes that concern countries of the region, are in accordance with the cultural purposes of the
The creation of a program of films dedicated to children and youths is of particular interest, which must be,
once again, an important section of the Showcase devoted to those audiences. As established in the regulations of this event, an International Selection Committee will have the responsibility
of choosing the films that will integrate the 4th Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase. This International
Selection Committee will be made up of moviemakers, movie specialists and authorities that represent the
different cultural and linguistic areas of the region
For copyright protection, the Showcase establishes in its regulations that the works integrating the programs,
can only be projected within the event, as a promotional non‐lucrative exhibition. The persons in charge of the
Coordination Committee, or institutions in charge of the organization of the Showcase presentation in each
country, signs a legal Agreement where these conditions are established.
In case that, as a result of the exhibition of the showcase, any of the works that integrate this program turns
outs of interest for any distributor, exhibitor or TV channel, the Office of the Travelling Caribbean Film
Showcase will put the author/producer/owner of the commercial rights of the film in contact with the
interested part, free of charges. Likewise, each author included in the official program of the showcase will
receive his/her film in DVD format, subtitled in Spanish, English, and French languages, as the case may be.
On these bases:
The Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase Office calls the moviemakers and cultural institutions of the Region
to send the works that will be considered to integrate the official program of the 4th Travelling Caribbean
Film Showcase.
Films should be sent in digital format (DVD, DVCAM), accompanied of their synopses, promotional materials and lists of dialogue or text of the story.
NEW admission deadline of the films: June 20th, 2011.
Oficina de la Muestra Itinerante de Cine del Caribe
Calle 12 No 555 entre 25 y 23, Vedado
Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
CP: 10400
Registration form is attached along with the procedures of the Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase,
regulations that must be complied by those interested in participating in this event.
E‐mail contacts:
Main Specialist
Coordination Specialist
Communication Specialist
Executive Secretary
Telephones: (537) 836 17 38 / (537) 836 83 91
Marlene Phillips - Chairperson
St. Kitts Organizing Committee -Traveling Caribbean Film Showcase
Research & Documentation Specialist - St. Kitts Department of Culture
Tel: (869) 467-1396 or Email: